Sunday, January 8, 2012

January birthdays celebration!

We had an early (or very early!) birthday celebration for the following January babies:
9th Jan - Chee Kau Fuu
11th Jan - Winston
22nd Jan - Darren
23rd Jan - Mun-mun!

As next weekend Po-po, Kau Foo, Uncle Roy and Aunt Stella are going to HK, and the following weekend we are going back to Kuantan, followed by CNY, there is no free weekend until after CNY, so we celebrated early.
We had dinner at Yunnan Garden @ One North (private room with karaoke).

2 of the birthday boys!

The other birthday boy!

2 brothers singing Justin Bieber's songs whole night..

Father and sons shared a cake

Mun's turn! I made a simple-white-cake (that's what the recipe said) with chocolate glaze, topped with angry bird figurine, and some chocolate muffins.

Mun could blow the candles! But there's too many of them...

Mun enjoying her cake!

Group photo time!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Singapore Flyer

Jeng's first trip to the Flyer! It was very windy there and the kids loved it.

